Part 13
A Christmas day in New Castle. Felix still has no reasons at all to party, but bought presents for all his friends and they will party anyway. Outside wasn’t possible because were about 5 degrees under zero, but inside the house was good warm for them.
They come all together to congratulate Felix for Christmas, Eureka brought his son Billy and all then brought a bottle or red or white wine.
- I know Felix that you’re not so happy at this moment because you’re missing someone now, but anyway I suggest a toast in the name of our friendship. Said Eureka.
- Thanks my friends, I know that my happiness do not depends only from my decisions but whatever what my destiny decides! I’m not unhappy at all, just a little bit sad with my situation. I think on her any second of my life I wishes She could be here tonight and forever stays with me, but is difficult.
- My boy, as I ever say, you both need to be patient that’s all!
Someone knocks the door. That was a postman with a delivery for Felix,
‘ Dear Felix.
Believe me I’m with you now and forever, please don’t be sad anymore, because you know that my heart belongs you. I wish you a very nice Christmas night with your friends. I will dream again with you my love.
Your Princess.
After five hours party anybody was gone sleep, but Felix could not, he decide to take a little walk outside to refresh himself.
That was no stars to see, but a stronger shinning moon that’s made possible to see anything ‘cause the white snow. From far Felix could see his little house with a tree in one side. By walking he thinks:
- How can I be sad, if I have lovely friends and a Princess that I love so much and a little place like that?”
To be continued.