03 fevereiro 2010

LOST GUY ( 01 de setembro 2009 )


In your world
So deep inside
A place for someone else
A word of peace
There! Somewhere!
I know you have it
In your world
Far away from mine
I can feel it
Quiet and sweet
I guess so perfect
That protects you
From a beast like me
You, a kind of bird
Make me feel like a child
No words from me at all
Take my eyes with you
Then you might see
What I said to you
While I saw deeply
Directly in your eyes
Something is wrong
Lost guy in your world
Something is going on
Cause I read it
Right in your beautiful eyes
Let me eat them
Let me touch your mind
And rest in peace after
Am I a stranger?
Are you my sign?
Yeah! We are babe!

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